Thursday, January 8, 2015

Heater during the winter months...

It was ZERO degrees this morning when I woke up but Poker has been on a heater over the last week with profits of $198.60 in 1084 hands or 73.28 BB/100 hands.  A rate that can't continue but I hope it does.  I am finally making money on the BUTTON where I should be making the highest profit percentage...but considering the low number of hands I have in total, this will work itself out in the long run.


I'm ahead $240.34 since November 1st, but I didn't play much in November.  Also cleared $15 of my 1st deposit bonus.

                                                       November - January

Profits and other stats by POSITION...


  • Button - $5.5                      39/32
  • CutOff - $96.12                 26/23
  • HiJack - $70.32                  19/18
  • UTG - $21.46                     16/15
  • BB - ($5.39) loss                27/6
  • SB - $52.26                        29/19
I wish I had my old PokerTracker stats from 2011 and prior.  I would my profit numbers looked much different in the blinds...probably a big loser in both positions.  

I think may take a few shots at 50nl and if all goes I will be able to make a permanent move up in stakes.

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